The Foundry
The London Bell Foundry rejuvenation provides an opportunity to apply best practice sustainable design that carefully balances the energy and environmental performance required by the London Plan, with the heritage, cultural and economic needs of the foundry.
The capital project will be delivered in two phases.
Phase 1: Acquisition of the site and repair of the buildings, including the introduction of modern casting infrastructure to comply with environmental regulations.
Phase 2: Sympathetic improvements to the front buildings, enabling the establishment of the sound archive and research centre plus associated administration and visitor facilities.
Ground Floor
Red: Foundry use with new infrastructure concentrated in the modern foundry building to the rear but retaining the traditional casting and tuning facilities in the historic foundry
Blue: Education rooms
Olive green: Orientation spaces for visitors
Light green: Shop, exhibition and public access
First floor
Blue: Office and administration
Orange: Foundry-related including 3D Scanning, photogrammetry and computer design and modelling
Second floor
Blue: Education offices and archive data store
Orange: Foundry related, handbell tuning and 3D printing